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New Funeral Office

March 21st, 2012
Cobham cropLodge Brothers have recently opened their new branch in Cobham.
The new funeral home at 3 Hollyhedge Road will be managed by Robert Lodge, who is the seventh generation descendant of James Lodge who founded Lodge Brothers in 1780.  Experienced Funeral Arranger Claire Nightingale, who is moving from G. Boutell Funeral Directors, in Byfleet will assist him.
Commenting on why the company had opened in Cobham, the Chairman of Lodge Brothers, Robert Lodge explained “ We have considered opening in Cobham for a number of years but have been waiting for the right location to become available.
The new premises have been extensively refurbished to provide comforting and informal surroundings, including a Chapel of Rest and a private meeting room for families to discuss funeral arrangements.
Lodge Brothers have been helping and advising families in Surrey for over 225 years.  Today the company is run by six members of the Lodge family (Andrew, Robert, Christopher, Michael, Beverley and Janet) who are the seventh generation of family owned funeral directors.
As well as arranging and carrying out funerals, the new Cobham branch will be offering advice and help with floral tributes, memorials and pre-paid funeral plans.