Lodge Brothers Funeral Wishes Exhibition Sparks Conversation About End of Life

Lodge Brothers hosted their first ever Funeral Wishes Exhibition last week at the Broadwater Pavillion in Guildford. The event was well attended by people from all walks of life. Exhibitors included Lodge Brothers Legal Services, Guildford Crematorium, coffin suppliers, Clandon Wood Natural Burial Ground and funeral singers and musicians. Lodge Brothers also previewed their new Hybrid Funeral Cars due for delivery in October.
The event, organised by Paul Bye, Surrey Commercial & Operations Manager for Lodge Brothers was opened by Guildford’s Deputy Mayor Cllr Marsha Molesey, with the aim of sparking conversations around death, funerals and end of life wishes among locals.
“It was a great occasion and I am sure that many visitors left feeling more informed and less stressed about their funeral. I felt the whole event was well received by the community and we are in talks about hosting another event next year.”