Funds Raised for Home Start by Lodge Brothers Walton

The staff at Lodge Brothers Walton were delighted to welcome Carol Hodges (Manager) and Gill Robinson (Family Support Coordinator) from the charity ‘Home Start’ to the branch, to present them with a cheque for £150 for monies raised with donations from the local community.
Both Ann McMurray (Branch Arranger) and Sharon Brunn (Relief Branch Arranger), made holly wreaths at Christmas time, which were available from the Walton branch for anybody who wanted to remember their loved one. Whilst it was not a requirement, people still generously made donations in return for taking a wreath home with them.
Ann said “It is a difficult time of year for many families who have lost a loved one, and therefore we wanted to help them by providing something special which could either be taken home as a table decoration, or even placed in memory of someone in a special place.”
Sharon chose the charity Home Start as the worthy cause to receive the monies raised.
Pictured are left to right: Carol Hodges (Manager – Home Start), Gill Robinson (Family Support Coordinator), Ann McMurray (Branch Arranger), Sharon Brunn (Branch Relief Arranger).