Diploma for Jason Jackson of E.A.Langley
Jason Jackson, a funeral director at EA Langley in Paddington has been awarded the Diploma in Funeral Directing (DipFD), the gold standard professional qualification for funeral directing.
The award was presented by the National Association of Funeral Directors, the UK’s funeral sector’s pre-eminent trade body, The DipFD requires 2yrs of studying and successful candidates must pass a series of exams, covering all aspects of funeral directing: from care and support to the bereaved to the practical application of UK legislative requirements that must be followed.
Paul Bye Dip FD, District Manager at EA Langley, said, “Supporting our colleagues through their professional development is something we are 100% committed to, thereby ensuring that the care and service we offer is second to none. We would like to congratulate Jason on his hard work and this well deserved accolade.”
Jason said, “Completing this qualification feels like a great achievement and I would like to thank my family and friends for their support. There are many varied requirements placed on funeral directors today, most importantly the care and support we offer to the bereaved and their families, but also a number of legal and administrative factors. Studying for the Diploma has provided me with a thorough knowledge of all these areas, which will in turn allow me to help advise and assist the families of Paddington in their funeral arrangements and planning.”