A Dedication to Our Private Ambulance Team

Jill Palmer, our Funeral Arranger at Windsor branch has written this heart-felt dedication to all our unsung heroes that work behind the scenes at Lodge Brothers, to let them know how much we respect them:
“This is a dedication to all the staff that work from the shadows. Our private ambulance team and all those who work tirelessly to ensure that everyone has their last time. These are the people that we entrust with our loved ones, the strangers that come into our homes, sometimes in the middle of the night. They are unwelcome guests because they take our loved ones away with them. These strangers step over our thresholds and we give them our most precious gift, without knowing them at all. They are the silent guardians of the dead, with dark clothes, shiny shoes, sombre faces and hushed voices.
They are the real heroes of all this, the ones that deal with the raw reality and extreme human emotion, on the front line.
Never knowing what they are going into, but they go, to look after our nearest and dearest, to keep them safe until it is time for their final journey – and for us to say goodbye… for the time being, anyway.
These are not the people they knew in life, they are the strangers that came in the night to take them to a place of rest, to wait a while. The gentlemen who touched the coffin, before entrusting them into the hands of whatever God they believe in, or to Mother Nature’s tender care. The men who bowed their heads in respect as the curtains closed in a final goodbye, whilst the angels waited in the wings, silently………….watching and waiting.”